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Write By: admin - 28 May / 2019 Created Date: 2019-05-28 Published In: ROOT Hits: 5938 Comment: 10

With a study that shows dogs as being the most common household pet in Australia, it comes as no shock that some people let their pups live indoors. However, it's important to keep in mind that common household items can mask as hidden dangers for your dog. So, whether you have a dachshund who heads straight for the kitchen, or a golden retriever who loves your living room, it's always a good idea to puppy proof your home.

Write By: admin - 07 May / 2019 Created Date: 2019-05-07 Published In: ROOT Hits: 3708 Comment: 10

Dogs provide valuable support for children when they are worried or stressed - according to a study undertaken at the University of Florida. The study, which observed 100 pet owning families, asked children to complete public speaking and arithmetic tasks, with either a dog, their parent, or nobody present. Guess which experience boosted them the most? The one with a furry friend! Children experience significant drops in the stress hormone, cortisol, when they simply caress their dog. Of course, if you could only take one pooch home with you, it would have to be a cute little 'hot dog'.

Write By: admin - 10 Apr / 2019 Created Date: 2019-04-10 Published In: ROOT Hits: 1962 Comment: 10

You’re eating a meal and your dog starts acting up. Whining in a high-pitched voice and with wide eyes. At first, you think the begging is cute, but the behavior quickly becomes unpleasant. You can’t eat at a table or snack during a movie without your dog hounding you for food. Every time you cook, your furry companion storms into the kitchen and follows your every movement.

Write By: admin - 15 Jan / 2019 Created Date: 2019-01-15 Published In: ROOT Hits: 1455 Comment: 10

We all have our own way of celebrating Australia Day and of course we want our dogs to be included in the fun.

Write By: admin - 06 Dec / 2018 Created Date: 2018-12-06 Published In: ROOT Hits: 1746 Comment: 10

A busy house full of guests and noise can be very stressful for animals, and all those tempting decorations and foods can pose significant risks.
Help your pet have a healthy and happy Christmas by following these six tips:

Write By: admin - 11 Oct / 2018 Created Date: 2018-10-11 Published In: ROOT Hits: 2753 Comment: 10

There are eight common parasites which could inflict your dachshund, according to the Australian government.

Write By: admin - 14 Jul / 2018 Created Date: 2018-07-14 Published In: ROOT Hits: 2633 Comment: 10

Dogs can be very rambunctious. As a pet parent, you know that your dog does not always sit around and watch you read your weekly magazine.